
An activation process triggers one or many syncs (depending on its configuration). A sync is a technical term that refers to the operations that will be made on the destination to reflect the changes observed in the segment query’s data between two executions.

Sync operations

When syncing a segment to a destination, four operations can be made to ensure the data within keeps up to date:

  • Insert a new record and its attributes

  • Delete an existing record

  • Clear all existing records

  • Update a record's attributes

Sync modes

DinMo supports three types of sync modes, depending on the type of data being sent or the intent:

  • Full sync: This will insert all segment records into the destination. It is the default sync mode when syncing a segment for the first time. It can also be triggered when the user asks for a historical refresh of the activation.

  • Incremental Sync: This mode is specifically designed for events. Incremental syncs transmit only the most recent event data, optimizing bandwidth usage.

  • Delta Sync: This mode is exclusive to dimensional segments. It updates the destination in the destination by inserting and deleting records based on calculations of the differences between the segments. Furthermore, it updates attributes of the segment members in the destination when they undergo changes.


Mapping involves defining how fields from a segment should be matched with the standard user information used by marketing destinations. This includes identifying which column corresponds to specific details, such as email, phone number, or last name. Additional custom columns can also be mapped at the synchronization level for destinations that support it.

Run history

In the Run history tab of an activation, users can monitor sync by sync how the activation is performing, with valuable statistics.

  • DinMo will not send records which have a format issue (for instance, an empty or invalid email address). These issues are displayed under the Source issues column

  • Still, the destination might reject some records sent by DinMo. For instance, Google Ads will not be able to adjust a conversion value if the order id of the record does not correspond to an existing conversion.

Note: Not all destinations return statistics about potential rejected records.

Last updated