Send conversions


With this destination service, DinMo will send conversion events (online or offline) to optimize targeting (for instance: clicks, add to carts, purchase, etc.).

To do so, you will need to go through these three steps:

  • Creating a Pinterest destination. Refer to the corresponding section for more info.

  • Creating an event segment composed of all the events you wish to send to Pinterest. All records of the segment correspond to a unique event type (for instance, purchase) and a unique action source (for instance, physical store), that was previously created in Pinterest. Refer to this step-by-step tutorial to learn how to build segments without SQL in DinMo.

  • Activating the segment to the Pinterest destination to start sending data. Refer to the corresponding section for more info.

DinMo will be sending all the new conversion events each time the activation is running.

Destination setup

Learn how to create such a destination in our step-by-step tutorial

To start sending conversion events, you are first required to create a Pinterest destination with the corresponding destination service.

You will need to specify the ad account to which your events will be sent.

Note: If the dataset id you seek is not listed, it means that the user who connected DinMo to Pinterest does not have the permissions for this account.

Activation configuration

Learn how to activate a segment in our step-by-step tutorial

Once the destination has been setup, and your DinMo segment containing all your conversion events created, you can create an activation to start sending data to Pinterest right away.

Event Type

When setting up a activation, you need to specify the related event type. All records of the segment will be considered as events of the selected type (for instance, 'Add to cart').

Make sure your segment only contains conversions of the selected type.

Fields mapping

In the Fields mapping section, you are asked to specify the meaning of the fields of your segment that you wish to send to Pinterest. Any non mapped fields in your segment will not be sent to Pinterest.

Pinterest will use the fields you send to identify the conversions and their values, and recognize each user behind the conversions.

You must map the following fields:

  • Event time (Required): The timestamp when the conversion took place

  • Action source: Can be either app_android, app_ios, web, or offline

  • Event id: The identifier of the event

  • Email: The email addresses of the users. It can be in clear text, or hashed (SHA-256)

If the conversion is transactional (i.e referring to a purchase), you must also map the two following fields:

  • Value: The price spent by the customer during the transaction

  • Currency: The currency of the transaction

It is highly recommended to map the Event Id or Order Id field, but it is not compulsory.

To increase the chance of identifying the user behind the conversion, or, to send more details about the event, you can also map other non-required fields.

Refer to the Pinterest documentation to access the exhaustive list.

The higher the number of fields you send, the most likely Pinterest will be able to identify the users.


In this section, specify how often the conversions should be sent to Pinterest.

All new conversions will be sent in batch to Pinterest at the specified time interval.

Note that Pinterest will reject all conversions that are more than 7 days old.

Last updated