Export contact lists
In this destination service, DinMo will create audience segments and keep them up to date in Criteo.
To do so, you will need to go through these three steps:
Creating a Criteo destination. Refer to the corresponding section for more info.
Creating a user segment composed of all the users that will populate your Criteo audience segment. Refer to this step-by-step tutorial to learn how to build segments without SQL in DinMo.
Activating the segment to the Criteo destination to start sending data. Refer to the corresponding section for more info.
Each time the activation will be running:
Any new user entering your DinMo segment will be added to your Criteo audience segment
Any user leaving your DinMo segment will be removed from your Criteo audience segment
Destination setup
Learn how to create such a destination in our step-by-step tutorial
To start exporting audiences, you are first required to create a Criteo destination with the corresponding destination service.
You will need to specify the ad account in which your audience will be created.
Note: If the ad account you seek is not listed, it means that the user who connected DinMo to Criteo does not have the permissions for this account.
Optional: Setup default activation settings
At the end of the destination creation, you will be proposed to setup Default Activation Settings. This step is optional, but is highly recommended to facilitate the activation process.
By configuring default settings, synchronizing all your audiences to Criteo will just take one click. Without default settings, you will be required to go through the configuration each time you activate a new audience.
Note that even if you setup default settings, you will still be able to adjust activation settings for each of your audiences if you wish to.
Refer to the Activation configuration section for more info about the default settings configuration process.
Activation configuration
Learn how to create such a destination in our step-by-step tutorial
Once the destination has been setup, and your DinMo segment created, you can create an activation to start sending data to Criteo right away. The segment will be exported as a new audience in Criteo.
Activation Name and Description
In this section, the name you enter will be the name given to the audience segment created in Criteo. You may also optionally enter a description, that will be attached to the audience segment in Criteo.
By default, and if you activate your segment using the default activation settings, the name of the audience segment will be the DinMo segment name, and the name of the description will be the DinMo segment description.
Fields mapping
In the Fields mapping section, you are asked to specify the meaning of the fields of your segment that you wish to send to Criteo. Any non mapped fields in your segment will not be sent to Criteo.
Criteo will use the fields you send to recognize each user of your segment.
You need to map at least one of the following fields:
Email: The email addresses of the users in clear text, or hashed (SHA-256)
Customer Id: only for Retail Media Customer Lists
LiveRamp identity link
Mobile Ad identifier
The higher the number of identifiers you send, the highest the match rate will be.
In this section, specify how often the audience segment should be updated in Criteo. Every time the audience segment is updated:
Any new user having entered your DinMo segment since the last update will be added to your Criteo audience segment
Any user having left your DinMo segment since the last update will be removed from your Criteo audience segment
Last updated