Prerequisites and walkthrough
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With DinMo, businesses can seamlessly sync offline conversions with Google Ads, ensuring that every valuable action down the funnel is accounted for. DinMo supports two primary methods for matching conversions:
First-party customer data matching: Leverages Enhanced Conversions for Leads, requiring that the customer’s email or phone number was shared with Google Ads during the initial online interaction along with the GCLID.
Google Click Identifier (GCLID) Matching: Uses GCLIDs captured during online interactions to link with offline conversions.
This page presents the step-by-step instructions for sending custom or offline conversions to Google Ads, both before DinMo (on Google Ads and GTM) and from DinMo.
Before syncing offline conversions using DinMo, you need to define the conversion actions in Google Ads. To do so, navigate to the Goals Menu on the left and within the summary section click on “+ Create conversion action” button.
Then, you'll need to create a New Conversion Action:
NB: All screenshots are taken at MCC level. If you look at the sub-account level, the interface may not be the same. However, the flow remains strictly identical.
Choose Conversions Offline as the conversion type.
Click Add data source, then choose Skip this step and set up a data source later, and click Done.
Select the conversion category relevant to your use case (e.g., "Qualified Leads," "Valid Subscriptions," or "Repeat Purchases").
Click Save and continue
Under the selected Conversion Action Category, click Add an event to this category. Then choose the option Offline data sources as shown below:
Click Settings.
On the side panel:
provide a descriptive name for the conversion (e.g., "Closed Deals - Phone Sales").
Choose whether this action is Primary (for bidding) or Secondary (for reporting only).
Configure additional settings such as attribution model and conversion window.
Click Save to finalize the conversion action.
This step is mandatory only and only if you want to upload conversions using first-party customer data matching.
Enhanced Conversions for Leads enable more accurate offline conversion tracking by sending first-party customer data (e.g., email or phone number) along with the Google Click Identifier (GCLID) when a user submits a form (e.g., sign-up, lead form, or purchase). This ensures that later, when the offline conversion occurs, Google Ads can match it back to the original user.
Set Up the Google Tag
Follow Google's setup guide to install the Google tag on your website.
Ensure the tag collects GCLIDs whenever a user submits a lead form, sign-up, or purchase.
Enable Enhanced Conversions in Google Ads
Go to Goals, then Settings in Google Ads.
In the Enhanced conversions for leads section:
Check the box “Turn on enhanced conversions for leads”
Choose the implementation method: Google Tag or Google Tag Manager
Clik Save
Accept Customer Data terms: When you select Turn on enhanced conversions for leads, you’ll need to accept the customer data terms.
Setup Enhanced conversions for leads with Google Tag Manager or Google Tag
Please refer to this documentation for guidance on how to setup with Google Tag Manager
Please refer to this documentation for guidance on how to setup with the Google tag
You need to be able to specify a data source for leads conversions that would enable to share hashed PII (Email or Phone number) with Google Ads each time a form conversion is sent to GoogleAds.
With conversion actions set up, configure DinMo to sync your offline conversion data:
Prepare Your Data:
Organize your offline conversion data to include the following fields:
Conversion ID: The identifier of the conversion to avoid counting duplicate conversions
Conversion Time: Timestamp of the offline conversion.
Conversion Value: (Optional) Monetary value of the conversion.
Currency Code: (Optional) Currency of the conversion value.
A matching Key:
Email or Phone: For 1st party customer data matching, ensure emails or phone numbers are hashed using SHA-256. Otherwise DinMo will hash them during the process of the sync
GCLID: For GCLID matching, ensure GCLIDs are accurately captured.
Create an event Model that contains the data you prepared for this task
Refer to this documentation page for a step by step guidance on how to create an activation that will sync your conversion events regularly with the conversion action specified in Google.