Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Sending data to Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Step-by-Step Guide

Supported Destination Services

DinMo supports the following destination services:

Please refer to the dedicated documentation page for more information.

Authentication to Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Step 1 - Create an API integration in Salesforce

Open your Salesforce Marketing Cloud interface, and access the Setup tab, under your profile.

Next, hit Installed Packages under the Apps section of the navigation.

Create a new package by clicking on New in the upper right. Give it any name you prefer.

Scroll down in your package page, and click on Add Component.

Select API Integration, Server to server, and grant the component the 9 following permissions:

After hitting Save, note these different values that you will have to past on DinMo:

  • The Client ID

  • The Client secret

  • The Subdomain: it is obtained by removing from the SOAP Base URI the "https://" at the beginning, and the "" at the end

  • The Account Id: it is found by clicking on your account in the upper navigation bar

Step 2 - Choose your data synchronization method

Depending on your preferences and your organization's stack, pick one of the two following methods of data synchronization:

Option 1 - Synchronization with a FTP user

In Salesforce, navigate to the FTP Accounts under the Data Management section.

Then, create a new FTP user by clicking Create User in the upper right.

You can choose any authentication method you prefer (password, SSH, both). Grant the user all permissions:

Finalize the user creation.

Option 2 - Synchronization through Amazon S3 storage

Follow this Salesforce documentation to setup Amazon storage service.

Step 3 - Create the platform connection on DinMo

Once all of this is done, you are ready to connect your Salesforce Marketing Cloud platform. In the setup process, paste the credentials parameters of your installed package, and the parameters of the data synchronization method you chose.

Last updated