Create your Models
Once DinMo is connected to a source, creating a Data Model teaches DinMo the business context to the tables stored in the data warehouse.
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Once DinMo is connected to a source, creating a Data Model teaches DinMo the business context to the tables stored in the data warehouse.
Last updated
Models define which of the data stored in your source will be available to use in DinMo. They correspond to a specific table stored in your source. Models can be:
Segmented using our no-code segment builder
Activated, meaning, synchronized to destination platforms
For e-commerce, typical data model includes the following models:
Customers (related to the Orders Entity)
Orders (related to the Customers and Order Lines Entities)
Order Lines (related to the Orders and Products Entities)
Products (related to the Order Lines Entities)
Additional models (for instance, web events) are sometimes added if data is available on the source.
Step 1: To create your models, go to the Models section in the navigation bar.
Then, for every model of interest, do the following steps:
Step 2: Click "New Model" in the upper right.
Step 3: Specify whether the model you wish to create contains Users, Events or other types of information (Custom).
For Users models, one row should correspond to one person. For Events models, one row should correspond to one temporal event (for instance, a conversion). For Custom models, one row can represent anything.
Step 4: Define your model.
You can then either do it by writing an SQL query, or by picking an existing table in your source.
Step 5: In the second step of the creation flow, define the model's schema:
Only the ticked columns will be available in your final model. We recommend only ticking the columns you intend to use on DinMo, in order to limit the number of fields displayed. You may rename the model fields, and define some as categorical Categorical fields are properties which have a limited number of distinct values, for instance, the Product Type, or the Country. By defining a property as categorical, it will be displayed in a much more intuitive manner when creating filters using this property:
Step 6: Fill in the required information in the Configure page:
Give your model a display name, and optionally, a description.
Specify which field of the model corresponds to the primary key (called event id for Events models, and user id for Users models). This corresponds to the field uniquely identifying each element of the model.
To ensure that DinMo system operates smoothly and that all downstream tasks produce accurate results, it is essential to ensure the uniqueness of the primary key of each model.
For more details, consult the corresponding section on Primary Keys.
For user models only, you may optionally add additional mappings to teach DinMo the meaning of specific fields (for instance, the email address).
Finally, you may map relationships between this model and other existing models.
You will need to specify for both model which field should be used as the matching key, and what type of relation it corresponds to: "HAS ONE", "BELONGS TO" or "HAS MANY". For instance, a customer has many orders, and an order belongs to a customer.